Please allow Administrators to move files from one users cloud storage to another without needing to "remove" the original user, or to download the files in a zip format and have to re-upload them manually.
We had a user that left the company and had 1.5GB of data in Adobe Cloud storage.
We had to go through a rather esoteric process with Adobe support that "removed" the old user, before we could have an email sent to the new user, have them download the files in a zip format, and then they could re-upload the files back to their Adobe Cloud storage.
This seems to be needlessly complex and time consuming, as well as very concerning that if the user is "removed" and something happens, then their data is now "gone."
It would be far better for all concerned if there was a "move file" option that did not involve "removing a user." If you moved the files, confirmed the move was successful and then "removed" it would seem a lot less "scary and final."
I have moved files in several other "Cloud storage" systems and there is always a "share" or "move" option available that does not involve "removing" the user. (BOX, DropBox, Sharepoint, Onedrive etc.)
It is also frustrating that "inactive" users are listed with a hash code and not a name/email address. How are you supposed to match an inactive user up with who it was if it lists a hash code?
Of note, the Adobe support person was very knowledgeable and helpful in this and understood how concerning "remove user" sounds in the current process.