While working on a project Adobe Express logged me out, prompted me to request access to my own file and now won't let me access it. Can you please help?
We are sorry for your difficulties. Please let us know if you have checked the credentials before logging in as it gives you an option of "switch account". Please try logging in with the correct credentials and let us know if this helps.
You might have used a different account to create the project and logged in with a different one. We are here to help you.
Thanks for getting back with me. I should only have one Adobe Express account, but the system is behaving like I have more than one. Occasionally, my brand kits and other assets will disappear, though this is the first time the platform has signed me out while I was in the middle of a project.
Is it possible to check and see if I have more than one account? My records indicate my login credentials are correct.
Thanks, Ginger
[Logo Description automatically generated] Ginger Stringer (she/her) Web Designer/Media Specialist Springfield-Greene County Health O: (417) 864-1680 C: (573) 823-4051 health.springfieldmo.gov<> | facebook.com/SGCHD<> | twitter.com/SGCHD
OUR VISION: Helping ALL people live longer, healthier, happier lives.