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[Mobile GA] File Migration Possible Solution

Community Beginner ,
Apr 21, 2024 Apr 21, 2024

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You guys capped the image size in this new update for some reason, not to say this isn't excessive but most of my projects use 16370 x 3800 px. The large size isn't important since Express used to automatically make the images fit at max capacity so this means I don't resize anything and it works out perfectly but now in this version all those projects would now be unsupported most likely or something probably not the case but I can't even resize older unwanted deleted projects since one of those already had those oversized images and there's no way to replace them even tho it's the same exact size as before. Not sure but something I've also noticed in this newer version is the excessive amount of empty space everywhere, perhaps move everything new to fill those gaps and restore the original settings since I've been using this app for the past 3 years and never ever had any issues until now. Not the mention the fact that there's 3 separate buttons to copy, cut, delete, and order instead of leaving these somewhere always visible you moved them into 3 separate sections so quite redundant and also "Multi Select" option is useless since there's no "Select All" button.

Bug Unresolved
iOS , Mobile Beta , Performance






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