One of our staff members left the agency and when I downloaded her files as an Adobe zip file, I extracted them and they are mostly Adobe Express files. I, on the other hand, primarily used Photoshop and rarely if ever used Express. When I open our new Creative Suite console, I tried to reupload the files to Adobe Express but they are an "unsupported file type." Because they are not my original files, they are not in my "originals" folder - therefore they won't be converted automatically and saved in the "originals" folder. However, they are a work product that belongs to our agency - so I need to upload them and convert them. Looks like Adobe created a new platform where the original native files can't be converted. They make it seem "so simple" when in reality developed a new file type that is not retroactively compatible, unlike PSD files that can be opened by virtually any version of Photoshop. This doesn't sound very smart to me. If anyone knows a work around for this, please let me know. Otherwise, I just have to say this is an epic "fail" on Adobe's part.