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differences between web (chrome macos) and app ios

New Here ,
Apr 10, 2023 Apr 10, 2023

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i am using webversion https://express.adobe.com/ and ios app Adobe Express

i am macos monterey 12.6.3 + chrome Version 111.0.5563.146 (Build officiel) (x86_64)

and also iphone 13 pro os 16.3.1 with Adobe Express 11.15.0

same adobeid on both

NB : i used to create account years ago when it was SPARK app


-> on ios app i see that : 

- project folders doesnt appear ... is it a bug or normal ?

- logo/brand part doesnt exist, like librairies and schedule functionnalities. is it scheduled ?


-> on web version on my chrome

- some of the projects are not showing. i have a concrete example with screencaptures where you can see that project "4" is missing on other capture. i did verify, they are not in folders, folders are empty. those files are recent. can you expain to me ?

- when i am on the "search project" and the results are shown, if i use the menu "..." then the "delete" is not in the menu. is it normal ? 


screen captures :


ios : 

- no folders and 'project 4 is OK



web :

folders but no 4 (and folders are empty ! 4 is not in folders, i checked )










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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 25, 2023 Apr 25, 2023

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Hi @Christophe29328190u8v2 


Thank you for reaching out, and apologies for the confusion.


  • It is correct that the Folders, Libraries, and Schedule features are only available on the browser version of Adobe Express.


  • Missing projects can occasionally occur when there is a synching delay or the browser not being up to date. It could also happen due to network connectivity issues, e.g., package loss and other circumstances. You could try and duplicate the missing project on your mobile and rename it, refresh your browser, and check if it reappears. Another option is to check your Creative Cloud in the section files under offline or deleted and see if it is located there.



  • Projects cannot be deleted within the search function. If you'd like to delete a project, you'd have to locate it without the search function to avoid accidental deletion, as multiple projects can have the same name but locate in different folders.


Features unavailable on the app might be in the future as Adobe Express continuously strives to improve.


I hope this helps answer your question! If it does, kindly remember to mark the response as the "Correct Answer" to help other users and community members with the same questions locate the answer faster. 







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