This has the look of network blocking (which could be blocking on your device firewall or in the network). Your IT department are likely the best people to help you with this. There is basically a series of tests you would need to conduct to see if there is a location where traffic to or from Adobe might be blocked. A relevant document for your IT staff would be: Domains to be allowed for Adobe apps & services to function correctly.
Some of the troubleshooting tests would be, when trying to generate an image:
Is any of the traffic blocked by a local firewall?
Can blocked traffic be spotted at a network firewall?
Is the traffic being blocked in a web proxy?
If you connect the computer to a different network other than the corporate one does it fail?
Are there any lines in the /etc/hosts file related to Adobe (there should not be)?
IT folks are generally used to having these types of issues with various apps.