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New Here ,
Jan 06, 2025 Jan 06, 2025

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Why can't I keep more than one generated image from the selections?? Why can't I go back to previously generated options when I have tapped more? Why does the firefly tab keep reloading - erasing everything I've done if I go to a different app and then back to Firefly? These are just basic things that should be possible and not causing me difficulty. 

Bug Unresolved






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1 Comment
Community Expert ,
Jan 07, 2025 Jan 07, 2025

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Hello @Peter23391466kje9,

Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having these problems. I am presuming your questions are about Generative Fill.


Why can't I keep more than one generated image from the selections??


Interesting question. The three generations are essentially posed as an either/or. Since they are filling in a selection in a specific location, if you could "keep" more than one, they would overlap. If you are saying you would like to be able to keep one of the generations and move it to another location in the image, that is more complex than Firefly web can do. However, you can click on one of the generations and then download that image modified by the selected generation before you press keep. That downloaded image will be modified with the generation you have selected. You can then select another generation and download the image again only this time modified by the second generation you have selected and again do that before pressing keep.  So, you now have two versions of the image modified by the  different generations you selected. You could take the images into Photoshop to merge them depending on what your ultimate goal is.


Why can't I go back to previously generated options when I have tapped more?


You should be able to. If you click on this arrow, you should be able to scroll back all the way to the first generation for the change you are currently making:


But, once you click Keep, you cannot go backwards at that point. Is that what you were asking? The ability to go back after clicking keep?


Why does the firefly tab keep reloading - erasing everything I've done if I go to a different app and then back to Firefly?


I have not recently seen this happen. It used to happen frequently last year.


Are you using Generative Fill on and iPhone or iPad? iOS is notorius for tab reloads.


What I started doing (especially when using Generative Fill on iPhone) is after every few changes I made to an image, I downloaded the result as a "checkpoint" image. Then, if the browser tab reloaded, I only lost back to the last checkpoint image, not everything in the session. Then, when done, I can delete all the checkpoint images.  What OS and browser are you using and what versions? It is important to make sure you are using supported versions.


If any of my responses did not address what you were asking, please explain more.





