I was using my Adobe firefly Generative Ai today, And While working on a image, My work was all done, and Suddenly all of it disappear, I want to know, If Any how I can get my work back, Please, It's really important
Unfortunately, no, it does not automatically save copies. I am sorry you experienced this. I recommend that you manually save a copy every few steps. It does not cost any additional gen credits to save it, and if you experience another sudden reload or other problem, you can go back to what the image was a few steps ago. I learned this lesson myself after losing several hours of work on an image.
As mentioned, it is best to save work. I'd suggest you use Photoshop for more extensive image work. Saving regularly is always important. With Photoshop, a crash without saving still has the possibility of opening a recovered image. Always best to not try a recover but have a saved copy that has relatively recent changes. That way, if something goes wrong, you don't lose too much work.