I was trying to create a good devotional picture of God and Goddess of Natraj Dance. But Adobe made some kind of unwanted and non tolerable pictures which actually hurts my sentiment. The Indian Goddess have always covered body with saree. But it made unwanted picture without understanding my prompt. Even when I was trying to make any kind of devotional pictures it could not understand and disfigured the faces of Gods and Godesses which is very sensitive issue and exposed the upper part of body without covering the upper part of the body of a female Goddess which really hurt my sentiment while I had given command for the Goddess wearing Saree and jewellaries. I would reccomend to delete the God related photo from your AI storage cloud. The adobe must be sensitive while generating the pictures of the God and Goddessess with the cultural ethos and if the platform can not produce absolute image considering the cultural sensitivity then it shall not allow any users to generate picture related to the Gods and Godesses requested by any of the users without understanding the proper comdand and cultural sensitivity otherwise it is a threat and emotional damage caused to the user. Hope for your quick action. I am very much hurt.