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Bonjour à tous,
Je travail sur un Mac studio M1 Max, et j'essaie en vain d'obtenir une "baguette de pain ouverte dans la longueur" mais quoique je prompt, je n'arrive pas à ce que je recherche.
Quelqu'un aurait-il une idée de pourquoi ? Et/ou comment y arriver ?
Merci d'avance, bonne journée à tous !
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Interesting problem. I was first thinking of anatomical terms used for x-rays, such as this:ème_de_référence_en_anatomie
But that didn't work. What also didn't work was trying to get Firefly into the mood of preparing a sandwich, but maybe I didn't try hard enough (also imn cooking recipes nobody describes exactly how to slice the bread unfortunately). Can you make a sketch and then use that in Photoshop for your prompt?
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Hi Monika,
Thank you for your help !
I've been trying all these things you tried too.
I'm checking the video, will try and let you know how it worked.
Have a good day ^^