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I attempted to generate video from two different photos of a man and his mother and a family walking in the woods. Both were immediately rejected. Then I used Firefly to generate an image of a man holding his daughter and tried to use that, but it was also rejected. I've attached these images here. I can find no reason that the system would reject these on a content-level. So any thoughts you have would be appreciated.
Hello @Trace35191221nizm,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having this problem.
The beta version of image to video will not generate videos from images containing children. That is why it would not generate the videos.
My best,
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Hello @Trace35191221nizm,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having this problem.
The beta version of image to video will not generate videos from images containing children. That is why it would not generate the videos.
My best,
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Got it. Thanks for the quick response. I'll test it out with other types of images for now.
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Thank you
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Same here, uploaded a totally tame renaissance painting and it was rejected.
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Hello @jackthegiantslayer,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having this problem.
If your image does not contain children, please share it here so we can see what the problem might be.
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thank you
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I was trying to bring a few old photographs of my family to life using Firefly today, and noticed that anytime the photograph was either of a child, or included even one child in it, I would get a notification saying that the refernce image didn't meet Adobe's User Guidelines.
I own the pictures, so it's not a copyright issue. Is using Firefly to bring any pictures that include children prohibited for now? Or is this just a bug I'm running into?
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Hello @nrbfilm,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having this problem.
It is not a copyright issue. In the beta version of image to video, the model will not generate videos from images that contain children.
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It's quite impossible to upload anything. There is nothing in the user guidlines that refer to this image. It's just an image of three kids...
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Ok ... children can never be a part of Adobe products?
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As part of the beta, they chose not to allow videos to be created from images of children. I do not know for sure, but suspect they want to ensure there are sufficient protections to ensure children are not depicted in a harmful way with this new tool.
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Well, I can understand that, but their AI should be better to "understand" what kind of children they have in focus. It AI "see" that there is no faces and a lot of clothes in this case.
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I think they are being cautious. There a a number of different types of depictions that can be problematic. You raised one of them.
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I kept trying to have Firefly generate a video of my younger twin sisters dancing ballet. Today is their birthday and I have a photo of them in their tutus, but Firefly refuses to make the video. There is NOTHING obscene about the photo. It is of my sisters when they were 10 years old in their tutus. What gives?
It reminds me of Generative Fill when I was trying to fix a blurred finger in a portrait I was editing and it woouldn't allow it because it thought the image was obscene.
Time to adjust your guidleines or make your AI a little smarter.
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Hello @FireDzine,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having this problem.
The beta version of image to video will not generate videos from images containing children. That is why it would not generate the videos. It is a cautious approach to ensure the model is ready for depicting children from images.
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Mein hochgeladenes Bild für Image to Video entsprach nicht den Nutzerbedingungen. Es ist aber weder angsteinflößend, verstörend, pornografisch oder sonsitiges.
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Hello @Simon256537531dlv,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having this problem.
The beta version of image to video will not generate videos from images containing children. That is why it would not generate the videos. It is a cautious approach to ensure the model is ready for depicting children from images.
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Systématiquement, l'interface indique :
Nous ne pouvons pas traiter ce prompt car l’image de référence
ne respecte pas nos consignes d’utilisation. Vous pouvez
charger une autre image et réessaye.
Il s'agit pourtant d'une simple photo de portrait famille pour laquelle j'ai évidemment tous les droits d'utilisation... je ne comprends pas pourquoi ça ne fonctionne pas. Merci de revenir vers moi.
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Hello @mathias_garnier4845,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having this problem.
The beta version of image to video will not generate videos from images containing children. That is why it would not generate the videos. It is a cautious approach to ensure the model is ready for depicting children from images.
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We can't process this prompt because the reference image
doesn't meet our User Guidelines. You can upload another
image and try again.
I used an illustration of kids and gifts and toys, and father and baby smiling at each other. what is the wrong with your ai detection?