P: Plan error in generating video (plans needed for video generation)
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actualmente cuento con un plan Creative Cloud, en el cual está incluido Firefly. Sin embargo al usar Firefly en la web me indica que debo adquirir un plan. Solo pude generar 2 videos
English: (added by moderator)
Currently have a Creative Cloud plan, which includes Firefly. However, when using Firefly on the web it tells me that I should purchase a plan. I was only able to generate 2 videos
1 Pinned Reply
Hello @JuanoPY,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having this problem.
Users on Creative Cloud plans can use their credits on any standard Firefly feature (e.g., Generative Fill, Generate Image). However, users need to be on Firefly premium plan (Firefly Plus or Firefly Premium) to access premium features like Generative Video and Translate Video and Audio. Adobe is providing all users the ability to try out the premium features. Complimentary generations vary by premium feature (
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Hello @Fede Ricaldoni,
I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise.
Please see my pinned message above which explains this.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
My best,
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Buenas tardes, contraté el servicio de Photoshop + Firefly (justamente porque quería usar Photoshop, pero también hacer vídeos). Al intentar hacer vídeos me indica que no tengo créditos, desconozco el porqué.
Aguardo su amable respuesta.
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Hello @Agustingiglio,
I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise.
Please see my pinned message above which explains this.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
My best,
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Estoy intentado generar videos des de texto en adobe firefly y no me deja, aunque tengo 999/1000 créditos cangeables.
En vuestro articulo de "Preguntas frecuentes sobre los créditos generativos" actualizado el 24 de febrero decis que Generar vídeo (beta), 1080p equivale a 20 créditos por segundo durante un tiempo limitado, pero aun teniendo créditos (999/1000), cuando voy a generar me salta el pop up de pago para comprar mas creditos mensualmente.
Tengo que activar los créditos de alguna manera??
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Hello @francisco javiet49831356,
I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise.
Please see my pinned message above which explains this.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
My best,
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according to my plan, I shpould have 1000 free generative credits per month in Adobe Firefly, but when I access firefly I have no free credits in the browser? I am on a Mac Pro 2013 and using OS 12.7.6
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Hello @philipw25458851,
Thank you for your message. I am sorry you are having this problem.
Are you trying to generate Firefly video?
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Hello @philipw25458851,
Ok, I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise.
Please see my pinned message above which explains this.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
My best,
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i am not able to generate videos, please help
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I have the same problem. Is it a licence question ou a location question ? I have heard that UE reglementation could block some AI tools.
Thanks for your answer
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Hello @cfares and @nicolas_3231,
I have merged your message into this thread which most likely addresses the issue you are experiencing. If it does not, please let me know.
Please see my pinned message above which explains this.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
My best,
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why can't I generate a video from a picture? I have a creative cloud abo!
What's wrong? I've already paid 67,01 Euro!
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Hello @Bluestar2025,
I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise.
Please see my pinned message above which explains this.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
My best,
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ich habe noch 377 credite, kann aber keine videos mehr generieren???
jedesmal steht dort, mein kontigent wäre erschöft
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Hello @jürgenh57238577,
I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise.
Please see my pinned message above which explains this.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
My best,
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I have 1000 credits but am told to request more from admin before creating a video
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Hello @Matthew38524526rxcj,
I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise.
Please see my pinned message above which explains this.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
My best,
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I've been a loyal and paid customer of the Adobe Creative suite of apps for over 15 years. I find it a slap in the face TBH, and and with alternatives like Figma, Canva, Blender, Procreate, PowerDirector, Affinity Designer, and many other more affordable and/or free apps gaining popularity, - and far better AI tech/image creation in other apps, I'm thinking I may completely abandon Adobe.
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Use Firefly, genere 3 videos pequeños y me consumio todos mis creditos. Ya no me permite generar nada 😞
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Hello @JonCma,
I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise.
Please see my pinned message above which explains this.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
My best,
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Hello! I'm trying to use Firefly to generate video from a picture. I've used my free 3 attempts and now it offers me plans to pay for Firefly subscription though I have CC All Apps plan and 1000 of 1000 generative credits left.
What should I do to continue explore Firefly?
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Hello @bolizhevsky,
I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise.
Please see my pinned message above which explains this.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
My best,
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Je ne peux pas générer de vidéos avec Firefly alors que mon compteur de crédits est plein. 1000/1000.
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Hello @laurent_8743,
I have merged your message into this thread which addresses the issue you raise.
Please see my pinned message above which explains this.
Please let us know if you have further questions.
My best,