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Feature ideas for more accurate results

New Here ,
May 19, 2023 May 19, 2023

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I don't know if it's already in the plans but it would be great if there were: 


- A possibility to use special characters to add accuracy:
ex: "Gelato" so the Ai should then know that we want the text to be "AS IS"
(Theme/subject) so the Ai can understand that the theme or subject is a whole piece.

ex. (orange Blossoms) in Japanese Style => as in Orange Flowers/tree not the color of the blossoms.
ex : (theme/subject) + (theme/subject) so the ai knows that we want to really mix 
- the possibility to add common categories such as Vintage/retro, Modern, Abstract, Geometric, 2D, 3D, Vector, Flat design, etc.


Not related but the accuracy but it would be great to add:  

- Search bar in Favorites and Gallery

- A collapsible sidebar menu to have access to a menu when we use the app., so we won't have to go back to the home page. particularly "favorites so we can have inspiration)


Favorites : 

- That would be great if we could have an Overmode on our "favorites" that show the prompt used.

- Search bar, add and create tags 

- Possibility to create project files. So we can search visually, as we do right now, but if we work on a particular project we can do a search. 

Idea No status






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