Dear Adobe
first of all this is a logo designers dream come true .. wish I would have that in the 90s
when I was designer for several demoscene groups ... really really well done Adobe !!
what a great tool it is ... ( using just the text option for now )
I need definetly access to all my fonts
text options like in photoshop to change tracking
dynamic canvas sizes ( so loose items are not cut away )
different resolutions
positioning of individual text / letters
warp effects ( for fonts / letters )
extrude !!! with depth / perspective positioning / light position 🙂 yes yes I know ... ehm rotation maybe too 🙂 ..
Allow stronger text effect fits ( loose should be even more loose ... a slider would be cool that I can slide all the way to the right until its not recognisable anymore.
layers !! place individual letters on their own layer
Overall, I want to say that if AI is used correctly, it can be magical. Firefly is a perfect example of this. Thank you for creating such a wonderful tool, and I look forward to seeing how it develops in the future.
Ingo Mesche