As an admitted ametuer in defining/articulating what I'm looking for in generating AI images, I found the number of initial credits enough to evaluate the quality of output, but not comprehend the bredth of image style/texture/lighting/etc capability. With the 25 credits, which I didn't notice were being consumed at all FWIW, I was not able to zero in on the final output (single image) I was attempting to create. ...So, given the limits of both paid plans I'm not certain that would be enough either. So I am hesitant to move forward and therefore will continue evaluating other options.
Have you considered a "beginner" or "student" offering? or reconsidering what attribute(s) are charged/spent for in terms of the tokens? Clearly there's a learning curve, but without practice (credits), the tool will be of limited use until profeciency can be gained.
Given the more the product is used, the more proficient the user, why not charge credits according to final image downloads? Ultimately this is measure of productivity we care about. Yes, Adobe will have to manage the variable cost (assuming your leveraging AWS, or IBM for processing services), or the fixed cost of hardware asset growth/allocation/management if you own the Adobe Cloud infrastructure, but those costs are minimized as each user improves and generates images more effeciently.
Clearly I am not opposed to paying for a great tool, but I don't believe I can accomplish my goal(s) before running out of tokens. Let me know if you release a student/training version.
BTW...if your plans offer a re-buy for tokens, that would be good to include on your marketing/click-to-buy options. My current understanding is if I run out of the monthly tokens, I have to wait until the next months credits show up? ...BTW, that makes no sense, the user goal is to finish a work product and doesn't have that kind of time. I'll have another look through your site, but that doesn't make sense at all...that the option doesn't exist, and that you somehow left that detail out of your marketing where the user is making a buy decision.