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Text to Image: Changing aspect format

Community Beginner ,
May 02, 2023 May 02, 2023

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When the generator comes up with an image I really like it would be nice to be able to change the aspect ratio without it regenerating all new images.
What's really needed is to be able to select an image that's working and then isolate it and then continue to refine and work the image with the AI to refine the details to achieve what I truly want.
Further more it would be nice to select multiple results and save them to a "selects" group then, hightlighting with marching ants or something, the prefered results in one image and move that over to another image. Effectivly combining all the preferd aspects of a variety of AI generated images.
On the topic of refining results: We need the ability to add adendum or refining text to a result. For instance if the hero of the image is to close to the edge of the crop and needs to be centered to give it adiquite bleed area around the hero. Simply adding center hero add negative space around hero and center would all change this from being a novelty image generator to a being a professional level comp creator. 

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