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Hello, I reinstalled whole computer but before that I regularly signed off my account and reinstalled system and Adobe Creative Cloud and its apps I needed to use. But when I opened InDesign or Illustrator, documents in which I had fonts used by Adobe Typekit were not synchronized. I partly resolved it with deactivating and then activating fonts in ACC preferences. It lasts for me sometimes few minutes, sometimes few hours but deactivates again. I tried to reinstall it also but with no result. Only way to activate them again is to switch Adobe Fonts toggle again off and on. Is there any permanent fix for that? Im using Mac OS Catalina
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Only solution working for me is when Adobe installs after clean installation of MacOS Catalina, it mostly doesn't work, so to prevent bugs from crappy Adobe you need to make new account under Mac OS and under this it will work as before.
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150 days is FALSE. Everytime I open Photoshop and Illustrator of a file I worked on the day prior I have to reactivate fonts. EVERY DAMN TIME. This is a colossal waste of time. Whose stupid idea was it to auto deactive fonts we select. Remove this dumb feature.
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I'm using Futura for a project, and yesterday it wasn't available anymore. I see it as Active in Creative Cloud, but it's not available in any Adobe apps. I've tried deactivating and then activating it again - all I get are alerts from Craetive Cloud that the fonts are deactivated. I've retstarted CC and Illustrator over and over - same issue prevails.
...and it's not just Futura - it's all my fonts. I even tried activating an entirely new font I've never used before, and I get the alert that it's been deactivated! How's that possible if I've never used it before? It's completely backwards, it's comical enough it makes me laugh, but it's totally stopped my work. Help?
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I noted that this issue has been ongoing since Feb 2020 and I am only just beginning to experience it now in InDesign, I have never had this issue before and am struggling to understand it. I have loaded and reloaded Adobe Text Pro Regular 5 times, and I am at the pointy end of a very large project. I pay as much money as the next person for this software on a monthly basis and at times like this I have to ask myself, 'what the hell are you doing?' Will someone from Adobe please read these posts and ACT on them NOW!
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Agree with Sandin! Will someone from Adobe weigh in, please?! Or just stop deactivating fonts. If an individual user needs it deactivated, they can do so. Yeeeesh.
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This is the same exact problem I'm having. When I go into Adobe Fonts and click activate for a font face, I immediately get a popup from ACC saying "The font [font name] has been deactivated". I can not activate anything and am dead in the water. My coworkers are seeing the exact same behavior too. Has anyone found a reliable fix for this? I've tried:
-reinstalling Illusrator and ACC
-toggling off and back on the Adobe Fonts service in ACC
-reboots galore
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Hi @adamb44751580,
Welcome to the community! We're sorry to hear about your difficulties. Could you please let us know the Creative Cloud Desktop Application version you're using? Since when have you been seeing this issue? Is this issue happening with all Adobe fonts or with some specific ones? Have you tried checking the same issue with other Adobe apps?
We're here to help, just need some info.
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Hi Tarun, thanks for the reply. I'm using ACC
I just tried to activate the font 'Apolline Std' and get the same behavior. I immediately see a message in the bottom right corner of the screen saying 'font deactivated'. In the desktop app, I see the font listed as an active font, but it is not available inside Illustrator or Photoshop or any other app.
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Thanks for your response. Could you please share the logs from your device by running the log collector tool? Here is the link:
Once you run the tool, the log can be found from the below location:
- For Mac- ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CoreSync/
- For Windows- C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Adobe\AdobeSync\CoreSync
Please share the log files with us by uploading them to a cloud storage service & sharing a link with us via private message to download the file. We can share the info with the product team so that they can investigate the issue further.
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Hi Tarun,
I've shared my log files in a private message. Any help you could provide is greatly appreciated. I suspect that our company's firewall is preventing some fonts from installing, because a coworker is having the same exact issue. When activating a font, she also gets the 'fonts deactivated' message.
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Thanks for sharing the logs. I would like to inform you that there is an error in the log file which tells that the fonts aren't able to activate because of a setting in the Windows operating system:
Error: [livetype] AddFontResourceEx failed, code=0
Error: [livetype] Failed to activate the font
There is a setting in Windows to block "untrusted" fonts, which will prevent fonts from activating.
Here are the details on how to check whether this is on for your computer:
If block untrusted fonts is on in either the Group Policy or the Registry Editor (check both), you will need to either turn it off or change it to the "audit" setting for font activation to work.
Let us know if that helps.
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same f**king problem here - everything Adobe touches breaks.
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We're sorry to hear about this. Could you please share the logs from your device by running the log collector tool? Here is the link:
Once you run the tool, the log can be found from the below location:
- For Mac- ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CoreSync/
- For Windows- C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Adobe\AdobeSync\CoreSync
Please share the log files with us by uploading them to a cloud storage service & sharing a link with us via private message to download the file. We can share the info with the product team so that they can investigate the issue further.
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After reviewing the 35+ responses to the original post THREE YEARS AGO, it seems this issue needs to be addressed at Adobe's side and not the user side because Adobe is well-aware of the problem and all systems have different levels and types of security.
What I really want to know is, what changed in 2020 that started this problem? And how can the millions of Adobe professionals prevent fonts from continuing to deactivate. No one should have to share their logs with Adobe so that only those who complain get the issue fixed.
I am now going to reactivate our brand fonts again because it's Monday and I have to do this every few days and always after the weekend!
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I am having this problem every single day. Every time I open a file I have to deinstall and then reinstall all the fonts. Even projects I worked on yesterday. Serious time waste - is there a fix?
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Same here, every time I open Illustrator, Photoshop or InDesign. ADOBE, REMOVE AUTO DEACTIVATION!
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I was using the Brioso family yesterday. Today it was deactivated. I activated it. It showed up in InDesign. I used it for a few lines of type, then it vanished. It deactivated itself in the middle of being used. I reactivated it, and so far it is working. Never had this problem before, even though I've been driven nuts by the 150 days then deactivate policy for the last 4 years, especially since it usually happens at least once a month. This deactivation while being used is a new thing.
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We're sorry to hear about this. Did you try using the Creative Cloud Cleaner tool- to uninstall and reinstall again to check if that helps?
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pretty ridiculus, I used this font maybe 2 weeks ago and now i am waiting over 5 mins to re-activate! adobe is brutal and only getting worse. Freaking monoply and doesnt care about its users.
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Bottom line: THERE IS NO REASON for this "Feature" to exist. Delete it. Remove it. END IT. How does Adobe reason that retaining this measure of control is worth it, when it causes this much trouble? What are they gaining by doing this? Who wins here? Who are they protecting? We all understand the need to protect IP; which is why we ALSO understand that we have to pay Adobe $60 every single month for the privelidge of using their fonts, and if we stop paying, we loose access.
ALSO: very often, I or the CEO of our company is on a plane, traveling to a presentation. It's necessary to edit slides to customize for the client. The 4-hour plane ride is the best time to do that - but you CAN'T, becasue Adobe won't ALLOW it. You can't use their fonts - EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE INSTALLED - unless you can connect via an active Internet connection.
AGAIN - this measure of control is UNACCPETABLE. Allow the font licesne to "coast" for a week - or hell, even 48 or 24 hours - before requiring it to re-authroize via login. I mean... COME ON. Every other software vendor allows users to use their software if they pay for it.
Not Adobe. Apparently paying for it every month just isn't good enough.
FIX IT. Respond with something that at least ACKNOWLEDGES that you HEAR us, and that you CARE.
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WTF! I'm working on ads and when I go reopen an ad I created less than a week ago, it has missing fonts. Why the hell is Adobe turning my fonts off without my express permission?
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We're sorry to hear about this. Are you getting any error messages? If so, can you share the screenshot with us? Please try the steps mentioned in it & let us know if that helps-

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