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Conflict between Adobe Fonts and system fonts

New Here ,
Jun 22, 2021 Jun 22, 2021

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I recently used Adobe Fonts to activate a font for a Photoshop design project.


In the meantime, I acquired the OTF font files to integrate into the final app and naturally install them on my system (Windows 10.)


Since then, whenever I try to use the font in Photoshop I get an error: "A font could not be added due to a conflict".


I see this has been observed by others like here, or here, with the only solution being to NOT use a system font, which I find unacceptable...


I tried:

  • Deactivating the font: PS activates it again whenever it sees it
  • Deactivating Adobe Fonts in the CC app: PS still lists CC fonts and refuses to list the system font
  • Uninstalling and reinstalling the system font after deactivating Adobe Fonts: PS still only lists the CC font.


In the end I might end up just not installing it at system level, but this is a terrible solution. Adobe Fonts should be a hepful tool and in this case it's basically forcing me to chose between it and actual system wide use of a font outside of its scope.


Please add an option to remove a font from my list of active and previously active fonts.






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