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No Offline Cache for CC Fonts?!

Engaged ,
Nov 05, 2019 Nov 05, 2019

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I was just working for a client last week, rendering graphics and text elements for a 75 foot, multi projection display at their anual conference at a convention center.
I had setup 2 workstations on location, and the client paid for 1 hardline interenet conection.
To my dismay, the workstation that was not online had no access to the CC Fonts, triggering font substitutions and potentaly breaking dozens of After effects Comps and Premiere sequences that used them ( I say break, becuase I would not have been able to work and save those projects without then having to manualy redo the fonts per comp, a time suck that I could not afford durring this live event)
I was able to get a work around, where I could boot up with internet, open the projects, then pull the internet and continue working, doing the same with the other workstation; able to save and render outputs- effectivly sharing one connection.
However I am shocked that there seems to be zero flexibility for working offline. 
This was another experience that has rattled my faith in our cloud based dreams for simplicity.
Anyone doing live event work BEWARE!

Activation , Download install and licensing , Missing feature , Missing font , Offline font , Performance , Product issue






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