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Structured FrameMaker 11, version 11.0/0/380 – Issue with Avenir Fonts

New Here ,
Feb 27, 2020 Feb 27, 2020

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I am working in Structured FrameMaker 11, version 11.0/0/380 in a Windows 10 environment.

I’m encountering a font issue involving the following Avenir fonts:
AvenirLTStd Medium.otf (Avenir LT Sid 65 Medium)
AvenirLTStd MediumOblique.otf (Avenir LT Sid 65 Medium+Italic)

In the FrameMaker paragraph designer, when I select the Avenir 65 Medium font, the only available choice that I had under 'Weight' was 'Bold'. The choice of ‘SemiBold’ was not available. I was not able to apply the ‘Bold’ and ‘Bold Oblique’ versions of the Avenir 65 Medium font.

I downloaded a free version of the following fonts and installed them:
AvenirLTStd Medium.otf
AvenirLTStd MediumOblique.otf

This resolved the font issue. Both the ‘SemiBold’ and the ‘Bold’ weights are displaying in the paragraph designer, and I now can apply the SemiBold and Bold version of the fonts.

We did not experience any font issues with other Adobe products when we were using the original set of Avenir fonts. This font issue appears to have only occurred with Adobe FrameMaker 11.

The question is whether this issue was caused by the 2 fonts that were included in the original font set:
AvenirLTStd Medium.otf
AvenirLTStd MediumOblique.otf

or whether this issue is correlated with FrameMaker 11, version 11.0/0/380?

Any thoughts concerning this will be appreciated.

Font rendering






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