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unable to activate fonts in Illustrator 2019

Community Beginner ,
Nov 14, 2019 Nov 14, 2019

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On a mac, just learning Illustrator. I was going through the Adobe tutorials, and it walked me through activating Lato Black. I now have that in my list. I also have another font that I don't remember activating. (I started out a couple months ago, but gave up for a while after getting frustrated.) So now I want to activate another font. I've been paying my monthly fee, so I know it's not that. I click on the font from the "Character > Find More" list. I click on the little cloud on the right. "Activate These Fonts? > OK." I get two opposing arrows on the cloud and it says "Activating." I wait for several minutes and nothing happens. If I click off the application, when I go back, the Character menu has closed, and there's no sign of anything I previously tried to do. I've also clicked on the "i" to be taken to the Adobe Font and flipped the switch to "All Fonts Active" and still nothing. I'm losing my mind! Why was I able to download fonts a couple months ago, but now nothing happens? 

Activation , How to , Sync issue






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Beginner , Nov 16, 2019 Nov 16, 2019

I did not realize I needed to have the Creative Cloud app installed on my computer to access this stuff. Not sure why it worked initially without it, but I've got the app on my computer now, and everything is fine.



Community Beginner ,
Nov 16, 2019 Nov 16, 2019

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I did not realize I needed to have the Creative Cloud app installed on my computer to access this stuff. Not sure why it worked initially without it, but I've got the app on my computer now, and everything is fine.





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