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Who of my customers needs to purchase a licence for Adobe fonts?

New Here ,
Nov 07, 2024 Nov 07, 2024

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I design a website for clients who work at a university. The website displays a project that shows research results and was created at the university. We want to use Adobe fonts and I wonder who needs to purchase the license for these fonts.


I have understood that it is not enough to secure the licence for the project if I as the designer have an Adobe licence, but that my clients must have their own Adobe licence.


Now I'm wondering which of my clients needs to purchase an Adobe licence so that we can use Adobe fonts on the website. Does it have to be the publisher of the project? Or does it not matter, as long as someone involved in the project (employees) has an Adobe licence?
Or can the licence also run through the university as an institution - so without a specific person being assigned to it?






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Community Expert ,
Nov 08, 2024 Nov 08, 2024

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Hi @quirky_code8338, as I understand it, each individual who will be using Adobe Fonts in a professional capacity needs a license (either through an individual subscription or an enterprise license). If the university has an Adobe enterprise license, then ask the administrator if their subscription can be extended to you and your clients.


I'm wondering, are you an employee of the university? Is the website for other University employees? I'm confused a bit by the reference to them as your clients. Regardless, your clients, even if they are employees of the university, also need to have Adobe Fonts licenses if they are directly responsible for developing the website. If they are simply viewing or using search tools on the site that you built and operate under your license, then it's the same as any other website you operate.





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