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Unable to sign in to Adobe fonts - Constantly sent back to fonts start page

New Here ,
Dec 10, 2019 Dec 10, 2019

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Hi all,


I thought I had seen the answer to my issue a couple of times but sadly no.


I need to use the fonts for a design and so I initially went straight to the Adobe fonts site. I tried signing in there but the button the you would click to enter your email address has a spinning motif on it. I am then taken bacl to the fonts page.


I then tried the link in the creative cloud app but with the same results.


I use an email address and password rather than logging in with Google or some such which I doubt is causing the problem but who knows. I have a password manager that auto completes the username/password for me but that doesn't seem to be the issue either. Besides, I'm not sure why it would work for weeks on end and then just stop working.


I then updated all the apps to see if that made a difference but again, sadly no.


I read that there had been issues with the server. Is there another problem with the server or is this coincidental?


Can anyone offer some advice please?


Many thanks.

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