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Error: No user found for the given adobe id email in this account.

New Here ,
Oct 24, 2023 Oct 24, 2023

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I am a crew and have just take a training course from my Manning Crew Management in Adobe Learning. But I can't log in to this course. The web show the error " No user found for the given adobeId email in this account. Please link your adobeId to your prime account before logging in". I try to many way to fix but it not success.

How can I fix it or cantact with the Admin for this issue?




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 24, 2023 Oct 24, 2023

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Hi @thach3304725943oi,


Thank you for reaching out to the Adobe Learning community.

The reason why the error you mentioned displays when you try to access a course is that you may not be added as a learner in the account yet by the administrator of the account. The administrator of the account has to add you as a learner in the account.

You may either reach out to your organization's IT team so they can provide details on your LMS admins OR you can share with us the link you are trying to access the course that includes the account id and that will help us find the admins of the account for you.


Best Regards,

Madonna James| Adobe Learning Manager





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New Here ,
Oct 25, 2023 Oct 25, 2023

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Hi Madonna James,

This is the link:
and "accountId =7457" 
I chat with my manager who sent me the link about problem but he can't help. Please help us check on this account and this email "vanthachdkt45@gmail.com" for I can login and reach the course.

Thank you for your support.




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 25, 2023 Oct 25, 2023

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Hi Nguyen Van Thach,


Thank you for sharing the account details and email address.

I was able to check and can confirm that you are already an active learner in the account and you should be able to access the training with the same email id vanthachdkt45@gmail.com.

Can you try to access the account via the same link you shared above but from another browser and on the incognito window?

The error could be due to the current browser picking up earlier logins and clearing the browser cache should allow the login on that particular browser.

Please reach out to us at learningmanagersupport@adobe.com in case the issue persists so we can assist you on priority.


Best Regards,

Madonna James




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