I'm using Media encoder for 3 years. I cannot startup anymore. I always get this message. I tries deleting it. Reinstall. Older versions. Nothing works.
Guys the problem is fixed. I logged myself out of all adobe cloud programs. When I tried to open Media encoder a popup came up to login after the logout and I just needed to login again and it was fixed.
@eckiAMETeam No I changed nothing. I saw In other communitys it can be something in cache. But can't find a cache folder for AME. I deleted everything with appcleaner and installed two previous versions (25 & 24.6.4) and still got the same popup
Guys the problem is fixed. I logged myself out of all adobe cloud programs. When I tried to open Media encoder a popup came up to login after the logout and I just needed to login again and it was fixed.