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444 and 444XQ issue after installing HEVC support on Encoder

Community Beginner ,
Sep 14, 2018 Sep 14, 2018

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[moved post from the After Effects Forum]

Hi guys,

just having a nightmare here.

All started when I had to convert in Adobe Encoder a HVEC encoded Mov (Drone footages...). Encoder asked me to download the HVEC codecs, I hit "ok" and it allowed me to start the encoding. Nice on that!

Well, after that... all footages that I have using Prores 444 or ProRes 444xq won't be readable by encoder or, even worst: After Fx.

In After Fx I get this pop up message when opening a project containing a ProRes 444 file:

"After Effects warning: There is a problem accessing the audio or video data in 1 files since you last saved this project. Reload Footage or Replace Footage as needed.


Even more: when creating a new project, and importing a 444 mov, it comes with audio but no video.

I've managed a workaround for on the clock demands, like today, but i desperately need some help here.

The workaround: managed to export again the footage using 422HQ.

Finder preview: ok.

FinalCut X: ok.

QuickTime Player: ok

Adobe: nope.

The problem affected two MacPros that I own after the encoder download.

Here is my System Configs:

Adobe After Fx Ver. 15.1.2 (Build 69)

Adobe Encoder  Ver. 12.1.2 (Build 69)

Computer 1: MAC OS: OS X El Capitan Ver 10.11.6

Computer 2: MAC OS: macOS High Sierra Ver 10.13.6






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