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Adobe Media Encoder introduces audio glitches that are not present in direct renders from AE

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Mar 08, 2021 Mar 08, 2021

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I make music videos in After Effects, with 1 audio track as the only source of sound. This audio track has no clipping, as it has already been mastered within my audio program. It is not clipping within AE, and it sounds fine in the live preview. However, when I export using AME, there is consistently a sound as if the audio is clipping in specific parts of the audio (usually it happens during the parts of the track that I have applied an EQ filter).


However, if I export directly from AE, the file exports with perfect audio, just as it sounds within the live preview.

I have tested this using direct WAV export, using matching frequency and bitrate settings, etc. Nothing I did could prevent AME from introducing an audio glitch.

Export or render






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