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Adobe Media Encoder no longer able to import my ARW raw photo files

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Nov 08, 2021 Nov 08, 2021

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I am using adobe media encoder to ingest media. In the past I have imported ARW raw photo files that I took using my Sony a7rii. Not sure why or when it happened, but adobe media encoder will not longer import these files. It oddly says the file format is not supported, even though ARW files are supported and I have imported these in the past. 


I've tried to use different SD cards, I've tried copying the files to my desk top and other drives and still no luck. 


Also, theres a little filter icon at the top in order to select "File type displayed". By default it seems display "all supported file types". When this is selected I am un able to see the ARW files on my drive. When I toggle this filter to "SonyRaw Format" nothing shows up either. When I toggle to "All Files" the ARW files show up. But I still am unable to ingest them. 


Any ideas on what to do? 

Error or problem , Formats , Import






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