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Hi, friends! I have the following trouble.
Working with After Effects 2017 (Creative Cloud 2017), rendering sequence of 1:05 min. in Media Encoder. When render goes for around 90-99% (almost to the end), Media Encoder stops working and system message about program termination appears, but Media Encoder doesn't report any certain problem. This problem occurs when rendering in Full HD in Media Encoder. When rendering in Half Quality in Media Encoder or rendering in default After Effects render in Full HD, there is no such a problem, works well. Any ideas?
Working on Intel core I7 5820k, GeForce GTX 980, 32 Gb Ram DDR 4, win 10.
Hope you are able to help me or have an idea, how to solve the issue.
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Having a similar issue today. 45 second composition. 3D text and shadows, tracked over video. Minimal effects. Initial render took 2 minutes. Now render stalls at different points in the comp and just keeps counting up the time remaining.
Seems there is an issue somewhere, but even the old PC Genie hasn't solved this problem.