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Hey guys,
My AME has been encoding rushes since yesterday from 1080p 422 .mov to 720p quality 1 gopro cineform. I'm using 2017 MacBook Pro, 16gb of RAM, 2.3 GHz Dual-Core Intel core i5 and using both 2020 premiere and 2020 AME. Ive made it about a quarter through the rushes, the footage is stored on a g-drive but is currently plugged via a crappy cable to a crappy dongle and into my MacBook which is potentially why its taking so long. I have a much more appropriate cable which can be plugged directly from Macbook to drive however I'm worried that I'll have to redo the entire procedure of encoding and the cable switch won't save me any time.
What do you think should I change cables or do you have another idea, maybe allocate more ram?
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There are hours and hours of footage, is it just bound to take this long?