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Hi Adobe, after a couple of hours i m able to send xml input to AMEWebService and can start rendering from video file to video output. But here is the problem,
when i try to set sourceFile as .aep files, console throws an error. How can i set .aep files with preferred Comp in xml file?
Creating encoder.
Creating Encoder - Create encoder group failed
Here is my xml input posting to localhost:8080
<manifest version=""1.0"">
<SourceFilePath>E:\kullanici\Desktop\malik\1\1\proje\proje.aep -comp Final</SourceFilePath>
<SourcePresetPath>C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Media Encoder CC 2018\MediaIO\systempresets\4E49434B_48323634\01 - Match Source - High Bitrate.epr</SourcePresetPath>
Have something to add?