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Consecutive requests to add item to AME queue is not working when running AME as a service

Participant ,
Aug 17, 2021 Aug 17, 2021

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Hi All,


We are using AME as a service, to encode files to required formats. We are using panel api to submit the jobs to AME service. This workflow was working fine, but now we have issue with submitting multiple requests to AME encoding queue.

Once a job is submitted to the encoding queue, next request is not added into the encoding queue.

If we restart the AME service and submit again the first request gets submitted to AME queue, but then also next request is not added to AME queue.


We are using the following code to add the file to AME queue.


var fe = app.getFrontend();
var addResult = fe.addFileToBatch(filePath,presetFormat,presetPath,output);



If we stop AME service and open the AME GUI, all requests gets added to AME encoding queue without any problem.

Windows 10- Media Encoder 2021 (15.4 build 42)


Is this a known issue? is there any work around or different method which we can use to solve this issue.


Thanks and Regards,

Anoop NR

Error or problem , Export or render , Formats , Freeze or hang , How to , Performance






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