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I've reported this as a bug but it's worth posting here for if anyone runs into this or has any ideas to work around the problem.
Exporting DPP AS11 files has awful levels shift. Shadows raised and highlights dropped. I've tested creating AS11 in Media Encoder from a dozen different mezzanine files and encounter the same. So Media Encoder doesn't appear to be an option for AS11 creation as far as I can tell. It's strange as I've used it the past. I've rolled back to test older versions and found it works fine in Media Encoder 2017. Versions after 2017 (v it's stopped working. We were looking at shifting to media encoder for AS11 creation but this means it's a no go. I've tested the same files via Apple Compressor and Avid Media Composer and can create the files perfectly. Our only option with Adobe would be to put all our systems on Media Encoder 2017 which isn't practical.
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I'll do some tests with this but as they are REC709 broadcast master files and the output is for REC709 broadcast files I wouldn't expect this to be needed. I certainly don't want any colour management in place so off should be the correct setting for this which is what we have.
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I've tested this now with various settings and it makes no difference. Luckily, I'd be very worried if while exporting master broadcast files it was changing the colour management.
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Hi Zeb,
I suspect that you will get a shift even on export. Can you please confirm?
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I don't quite understand the question. All other exports that we do have no colour/luminance issues. Only the AS11 ones in my testing.
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Its absolutely a bug and nothing to do with your colour settings I have to use AME 2017 to re-encode AS-11 to deliver to UK broadcasters. The files fail when going through Vidchecker as Adobe 2019 is flagging them incorrectly
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This is still an issue in 13.1.5!!
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I'm back to testing this because I was hoping it would be resolved in the current media encoder version. Looks like we still have an issue. I've exported a bunch of AS11 files from different applications so that I can do some comparisons to see what might be the anomily in Media Encoder. I've found one thing that most likley is the culprit. In the files from all other applications the Color Range is set as Limited, all the testing I've done in Adobe Media Encoder is tagging this as Min:0, Max: 1023, Chroma range: 1023. This is the only thing I can find that stands out as incorrect so it's safe to assume that this needs to be corrected before Media Encoder can be used do deliver AS11 files properly. At the time of writing this the version we on is 14.0.3 (CC2020).
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Another issue it seems is that it writes "Source Package" into the package name. It should embed the source file name from the original file into that field. Safe to say Media Encoder still isn't up to this task.
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Should be fixed in the beta of 14.2 (build 29 onwards).
Available now in the Beta Apps section of the Creative Cloud desktop app.