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Hi everyone. I got two problems with encoder.
1. When i'm queue two diffrent project to export, it mixes some of the two projects clips together.
2. When i'm export credits in TIF format, it changes the TIF color and move the position. everything looks normal in premier, but after export it keep changcing the credits.
can someone help?
Kind regards -Emilio
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Hi Emilio,
Sorry for the trouble. We need more information to analyse. What are your system specs(OS, RAM, GPU, GPU drivers, CPU)?
What is the exact dot version of Premiere Pro & Media Encoder? FAQ: How to find the exact version of Premiere Pro you're using?
Just for a test, change the renderer in Media Encoder > Queue panel & check the issue.
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Hi again. here is some info.
OS X EL Captain V. 10.11.6
RAM 32 GB Mhz DDR3
GPU 3,2 GHz intel core i5
Graphics AMD Radeon R9 M390 2048 MB
Premiere V.12.0.0
Encoder V.
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Hi Emilio,
Sorry for the trouble. Go to Media Encoder Preferences > General > Uncheck "Import sequences natively", queue the render again & test.