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GIF render takes forever

Explorer ,
Jan 22, 2021 Jan 22, 2021

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I am rendering small GIFs with ME from Premiere Pro files.

Since the latest ME update it seems these are needing forever to render.
Specifically when they are et the end of the render process it needs 10min or longer for just one format to be finished. The blue bar stays forever there.

Does anybody know if this is a bug?

The files themselves do not really have big animations in them:
First animation: A small gif with 8 frames inserted - afterwards just 3 words of text appearing without any fading or something...
Second animation: A picture which is not animated and a bubble which is zooming in and out a bit.
Frames are set to 10 per sec.

I do not understand why these animations would take so long to render.
It seems like in the finishing process of the render there is something wrong.

I am working on Windows 10.
I hope that the problem will be solved with the next ME Update, but just wanted to ask if someone is experiencing the same issue.


Error or problem , Export or render , Freeze or hang , Performance






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