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I upgraded my RAM from 8GB to 32GB, but there is no improvement in encoding speed

New Here ,
Dec 07, 2020 Dec 07, 2020

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I have been using media encoder for a while now.

I initally had 8GB memory on my laptop, which houses a 4 physical core (8 logical ) core CPU.

I usually encode videos at 4k resolution for uploading to Youtube.


I recently opened up my laptop to upgrade to 32GB RAM.  It has made my system more fast, when using Adobe Apps.


However, I see no speed up in the encoding of my videos.   I have a 13 minute video currenly beinfgencoded at 4K,  It says the estimated time is going to be 7 hours.


I opened up my Resource Manager, and I see the system is only using 49% of the CPU, and only  47% of the memory, and 3% of the disk while the encode is going on.


There seems to be a lot of horsepower in the machine that is going under-utilized while encoding with Adobe Media Encoder,, what should I do to get maximum resources to be used solely for encoding.


Additional info:

I have CUDA enabled GPU, with the latest NVIDIA drivers,  my GFX discreet GPU is GTX Geforce 1050.


Export or render , Performance






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New Here ,
Dec 07, 2020 Dec 07, 2020

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I am currently exporting all my work as PNG/WAV sequence and then running an encode on it.

This seems to have cut down the total time for all my projects from 8-10 hours to around 1.5 hours.


This has been my trick to getting things encoded faster.  The only trade-off is 10-20GB size folders. But that seems like a small trade-off for the speed increase. 





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