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Intel Graphics can't be enabled for AME CC 2019

New Here ,
Nov 11, 2018 Nov 11, 2018

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Hello everyone, this is my first post. Sorry for my poor english but I will try to explain as best I can.

Yesterday Media Encoder won't open up, like the loading screen shows but after loading the last effect the loading screen will dissappear and nothing more. After 2 days of figuring out why Media Encoder won't open up, it was because I enabled Intel Graphics to use Quick Sync. I was using it and rendering with it on Media Encoder CC 2018. But if I have enabled Intel graphics it won't open up, if I disable intel graphics AME opens without any problems. This is not caused for any 3rd party effects because I tried unistalling every effect. I installed AME CC 2018 and works perfectly fine, even Premiere cc 2019, but AME doesn't want. I tried installing and older version of the Intel drivers and at the first try of opening media encoder cc 2019 was working fine, but I closed it and then I tried to open it again, and wasn't working again. I guess I will have to use cc 2018 or cc 2018 but without Quick Sync. Any help it's appreciated.

My PC:

Intel Core i7 8700k
Nvidia Geforce GTX 1060 6GB16GB Ram 2400mhz (2x8)
1 SSD M.2 120GB

1 SSD 240GB

1 HDD 320GB


Just giving my pc specs in case if something could be giving problems.






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