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I once used the free trial for Media Encoder quite a while ago and have not used it since the trial period ended but, I keep getting update notifications for it.
Is there a way to stop getting these update requests or, has Media Encoder now been included with the Photoshop/Lightroom $9.99/mo plan?
Hi P Fleming,
I am sorry about this delay. I checked all the details and I can see that you contacted us (Chat Support) twice on 7th August & 15th August. In your interaction of 7th August, our support agents informed you that Media Encoder is not a part of the Photography Plan.
There must be some confusion in the other interaction where our support agents told you that Adobe Media Encoder is a free application.
However, Adobe Media Encoder is not a part of Photography plan and it is also not avail
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Hi P Fleming,
I once used the free trial for Media Encoder quite a while ago and have not used it since the trial period ended but, I keep getting update notifications for it.
Please use Adobe Cleaner tool to remove the remaining traces of Adobe Media Encoder installation.
Use the Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems
Is there a way to stop getting these update requests or, has Media Encoder now been included with the Photoshop/Lightroom $9.99/mo plan?
No, it is not.
Kulpreet Singh
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Your answer to my question regarding Media Encoder being included with the $9.99/mo plan, is the exact opposite of what two different Adobe reps (from the Adobe website) told me during an online chat I had with them Monday of this week.
I have a transcript of the complete online chat.
Both of them told me that Media Encoder is a free app with the $9.99/mo photography plan that I have.
I told them specifically what plan I have and that something must've have changed since I first started the plan a couple of years ago because there would've been an added cost to my monthly subscription if I continued to use Media Encoder after the free trial time expired.
Can you please confirm who is right.
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Sorry about this confusion, P Fleming.
I checked it from this link: What’s included with the Creative Cloud Photography plan?​
I will get this confirmed and will reply back.
-Kulpreet Singh
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Hi P Fleming,
I am sorry about this delay. I checked all the details and I can see that you contacted us (Chat Support) twice on 7th August & 15th August. In your interaction of 7th August, our support agents informed you that Media Encoder is not a part of the Photography Plan.
There must be some confusion in the other interaction where our support agents told you that Adobe Media Encoder is a free application.
However, Adobe Media Encoder is not a part of Photography plan and it is also not available as a single app.
It is free with the Adobe Premiere Pro single app, Adobe After Effects single app & Creative Cloud subscription.
If you don't want it, you can simply uninstall it from your machine.
Let me know if you still have any confusion or any other query.
Kulpreet Singh
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Hello Kulpreet
Regarding the contact I had with the two support agents on August 7th.
Gaurav,(no second part of the name was provided) who was the initial chat support agent I first dealt with, said Media Encoder was free.
If you have access to the chat transcript, you will see where that was said.
For some reason, it was brought up by Gaurav that Media Encoder works with cs6 version.
I questioned why cs6 was being brought up as I don't use cs6.
I had made it very clear that I have the Photoshop/Lightroom $9.99/mo subscription.
It was then, I was passed to the second chat support agent Priyank Dubey of the "specialized team".
I asked Priyank if the chat I had been having with Gaurav was visible. I was told yes.
So, Priyank should've seen that I had indicated to Gaurav that I had the $9.99/mo Photoshop/Lightroom subscription.
I was then told that "Yes, Media Encoder is a free application that comes with CC."
Because of the "it comes with CC" statement, I took that to mean Photoshop/Lightroom as that's part of CC is it not?
I was given a list of other apps I had access to with my current subscription and thought these apps were in addition to Media Encoder.
Now, maybe that was a misunderstanding on my part but, things weren't explained very clearly.
If either one of the two support agents had just simply said, no, Media Encoder is not part of the Photoshop/Lightroom $9.99/mo subscription, that would've made things very clear.
I asked a simple question but, didn't get a simple answer.
It wasn't until I made contact again on the 15th that I was given a clear answer to my question.
Thank you for getting back to me.
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I am sorry about all this confusion and all the hassle you have been through.
These are the apps included with the Photography plan:
I have gone through all of your chat transcripts & we will certainly share feedback with the above mentioned support agents.
Please let me know if you have any other query or issue.
Kulpreet Singh