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Media Encoder fail & wrongly rendering ? OMG !!

Explorer ,
Dec 10, 2018 Dec 10, 2018

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Hey Guys you good ?

I am facing a stupid problem !!!! I am using character animator to do a project and I finished it so I send my project to Media Encoder to rend my project to video but lots of times Media encoder fails while rending AFTER A LONG TIME OF WAITING  and the last time which is today I was rending a video and it took me 4 hours and 36 minutes and video was rendered but when  I opened the video I saw some scenes  were mixed together and weird stuff happening and I discovered that the video wasn't rendered properly and I checked my project again in character animator to check if scenes were mixed or something but they were fine and ordered .

For God sake guys I am done with this crap and Adobe DEVELOPERS !!!! and this is my college project tell me how to fix that or should I use other programs such : Premiere Pro or After Effect to render my videos nice and smooth without failing or wrongly rendering .






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