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Media Encoder Freezing & Crashing after latest update

New Here ,
Jul 18, 2022 Jul 18, 2022

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I have the very latest media encoder and a macbook air M1. I've. had no issues with media encoder until after this latest update. 

Before anyone asks, here's what I've done:

1. I uninstalled. and reinstalled it 

2. Cleared cache memory.

3. I have 600 GB free hard drive space


So I work in animation and we have to export over 100 subclips as their own animation files. These aren't large files. Between 9mb to 60mbs once exported. NOW it can't handle more than 20-40 subclips at a time before it freezes up and locks down. I have to force quit but to make things better, when I re-open it, it still tries to load everything that forced it to freeze in the first place. So I have to wait and click cancel a hundred times to stop them all from loading.

Besides only exporting 40 at a time which is tedious, then having to quit ME and re-open it (I can't just do 40 at a time, delete them, keep ME open and do 40 more. It freezes), any ideas???

Crash , Freeze or hang






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Community Beginner ,
Sep 01, 2022 Sep 01, 2022

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Olá, sou do Brasil, utilizo windows 10 e um SSD NVME 4.0 de alta escrita/leitura, tendo de sobre muito cache e memoria RAM e tenho que ficar colocando de pouco em pouco no Media Encoder para não travar, está um saco!
Tudo isso acontecer depois das últimas atualizações, ele usa o máximo de memoria e trava o computador inteiro...





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