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Premiere, AE, and Media Encoder Unable to Export Certain Sequences/Clips.

New Here ,
Aug 12, 2019 Aug 12, 2019

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Hey guys, so i have been having an issue where media encoder, premiere, will be fine exporting/transcoding almost all clips, but certain clips make it essentially freeze about halfway through the export.

Two examples:

- I have 4 separate wedding video projects with separate folders of footage from each camera.  I went to Transcode all of the footage into Proxies, and one of them worked perfectly, transcoding all of their footage into proxies successfully.  But then it arrived at Wedding #2, and it hitched and didn't make any progress and the software froze.  So then I tried re-oppening and exporting again, same issue.  So then I tried exporting directly from Premiere Pro, same issue.  Then I tried dynamic linking to After effects, also same issue.

- Also I had a sequence with only 2 clips in it, and wanted to export it as a .MOV, and the same problem as above was happening.  Then I went to play the video in Prem,iere, and it kept freezing at the same frame that the export hitched on.

So I was worried that it was a data corruption of some kind, but if i play the same clip on VLC it plays all the way through perfectly fine.  Then I used Handbrake to transocde it to Premiere, and it worked perfectly, and now re-importing that video into Premiere, the issue is gone.

I can't do this for all the proxies, so I'm looking for help.

I have a power PC with Windows 10, latest CC versions of everything, NVidia Geforce 1080Ti, plenty of storage space on all my drives, 64GB ram, and have been doing these same exporting/transcoding functions every day for the last 5 years and have never had a problem.

Turns out since then, Adobe has gotten rid of it's Chat/Phone contact page which is really inconvenient as I'm under the gun here.






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