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Premiere leaves hardware and Media Encoder leaves only Software in performance when exporting

New Here ,
Dec 14, 2022 Dec 14, 2022

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The 2022 and 2023 versions are happening to me.


I have a Windows 10


When I'm going to export a video, in Premiere it allows me to use both the hardware option and the software option.

Captura de tela 2022-12-14 092524.jpg


But in the media encoder it gives me this message when I try to put the hardware option:

"Your system hardware does not support hardware acceleration for current configurations"

Captura de tela 2022-12-14 092815.jpg


I really don't understand how it works in premiere and not in media encoder!


One method I used to see if it worked was to put these programs on high performance...
WindowsSetup>System>Display>Graphics Setup

But so far nothing...

If anyone has the answer on how to resolve this question it would be a huge help!

Crash , Error or problem , Export or render , Hardware or GPU , Performance






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