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"this effect requires GPU acceleration"

Explorer ,
Sep 16, 2020 Sep 16, 2020

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Using After Effects, I'm able to render out a comp containing mainly GPU acclerated effects. Plenty of Fractal Noise, Gaussian blur, Levels. 


The footage is 1080p, I'm working in a 16bit comp. 


Everything works fine, but of course I can't actually use my computer at the same time. 


When I send this comp to Media Encoder, the comp is rendered with "this effect requires GPU acceleration" in place of the VR Chromatic Aberration. A quick google suggests that the issue is with the amount of VRAM I have available on my GPU. This is understandable, but I'm using a rig with 3 GTX 1070s all of which have 8GB of VRAM.


When rendering from AE, the VRAM used is returned as about 2GB which seems about right. I'd estimate I've got at least another 3GB available once Windows has taken it's cut. Just in case, I've assigned my monitor and AE to separate GPUs for OpenGL processing, so there should be a lot left for Media Encoder to work with.


I may well be doing something wrong here, but I'd love a solution if there is one!


Win10, 64GB RAM, 3 x GTX1070 all on the latest compatible Studio driver (452.06).

Error or problem , Export or render , Hardware or GPU






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