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Split a long video into equal 5 second outputs

Community Beginner ,
Aug 17, 2022 Aug 17, 2022

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I need to know if there's any way to do this, within the entire Adobe suite rather than just Media Encoder but I thought to start here.

My situation is I think really quite simple. I have a series of animation loops. a LONG series, over 1000 iterations with just one element changing each time (all based on scripting and timing in various AE comps). I now need to provide 1000 output files for delivery, each loop as a standalone vid.


There's some free online converters that claim to do this but my total series runs at an hour and a half, and in ProRes Mov is 45GB, so the free online systems are a non-starter. unless I split the video many times.

Export or render , Feature request , Formats , How to , Tips and tricks






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