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Adobe Media Encoder takes 3-12 hours to export short Premiere Pro clips

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Feb 20, 2020 Feb 20, 2020

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Hello everyone. Lately I have been having some issues with media encoder. Last year when I would export Premeire Pro clips they normally wouldn't take more than 2 hours (exporting in both MP4 and WMV). For the last few months clips being exported from PP that are usually less than 15 min long have been taking anywhere from 3-12 hours. I upgraded to an SSD last year which improved export times by 30-50% for me, but they have slowly started to get longer and longer. I haven't changed anything about my computer since so I'm unsure where the issue is arising. I have tried: exporting with Open CL renderer, exporting with software only renderer, checking/unchecking "import sequences natively", and updating drivers.



What could possibly be the culprit? Any idea what I should change?

Export or render , Formats , Performance






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