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Can I make Render Entire Comp as a default, & Changes in Ae not appearing in AME renders.

New Here ,
Oct 15, 2019 Oct 15, 2019

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1) When sending multiple renders from Ae to Media Encoder, is there any way to set the default "source range" ( the equivalent of the "time span" when rendering in Ae) in Media Encoder to "Entire Composition" rather than "Work Area".


This is doing my head in, as I keep sending files to Media Encoder only to have them render out the last work area I was using of my comp, instead of the whole timeline. It's a pain to not only keep forgetting to change the work area after making an animation change in Ae, but in Media Encoder you can't even select the whole render queue and change them all at once as a shortcut.


2) When I make a change to a comp in Ae and send to media encoder, some files (a significant number to stress me out when working close to dealines) aren't rendering the changes I've made in Ae. I find the only way to counter this is to delete the "temp" .aep files in the "_AME" folder that Media Encoder creates, AND even then, sometimes that is not enough, so I have to purge my cache in Ae - I don't even know what exaclty gets the file to render the changes, I kind of just do a whole lot of deleting and emptying of cashes, and I find the process counter to the convenience of Media Encoder. Anyone else getting this "error"? Or am I doing soemthing wrong?


Thanks in advance.

Error or problem , Export or render






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 01, 2019 Nov 01, 2019

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Hi there,


Thanks for reaching out. We're sorry for the delay in response. I hope you've made it work by now, if not we're here to help you. Could you share the following details?


  • Which Operating System are you using?
  • Do you face the same issue with different projects/compositions?


Looking forward to your response.








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Community Beginner ,
Oct 16, 2022 Oct 16, 2022

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I've the same question. The OS is irrelevant as this is not a bug but (in 2022 still) a default setting in the AME (but in my case the OS is Windows 10 Professional). So the answer to "Do you face the same issue with different projects/compositions?" is "Yes".









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Explorer ,
Sep 04, 2023 Sep 04, 2023

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Would love to upvote this! It is very frustrating that AME presets don't save the source in-out preference for your render and require you to connect to the dynamic link server in order to make that change. Rather it should be an option from the queue view.





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Explorer ,
Sep 04, 2023 Sep 04, 2023

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Reply to #2

The best way to do this is to

1. directly import your Ae project into AME by going through AME first and adding your Ae project there (DO NOT OPEN AE)

2. Select the composition you are wanting to render and set up your render

3. render

4. make changes to your Ae project file

5. SAVE Ae File! (same name same location etc.... just control-s nothing fancy)

6. In AME select the queue items you want to re-render and right click and select "reset status"


This will add a "_2" to the end of the new rendered video or increase the counter by 1 (_3 _4 _5 etc...) and render your most recent changes.


The reason this happens is because when you send a render from Ae to AME, Ae makes a temp file with our project on it to be rendered by AME. If you load your project directly into AME, then AME will reference your project directly and not the temp file. The downside to this is that you can not continue to work on that Ae file when AME is directly linked to it otherwise when you re-save the Ae file, AME will crash because it was using that file to render something.





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