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Media Encoder (Premiere Pro) hanging 1/2 through specific project.

Explorer ,
Nov 07, 2019 Nov 07, 2019

Copy link to clipboard


Been making videos for some time using the same format and template.  Created two the other day, one rendered.  The other is hanging about 1/2 way through.  They aren't long.  The one hanging is only about 10 minutes in length.  Nothing odd included and nothing that's not included into the other one (and previous ones) that worked just fine.


Just video (from the same source).  Some still shots (JPG) overlaid.  Audio track processed (with same filters) in Audition.  A legacy title for text overlay. Same effects used.  Literally nothing unique in format between one and the other.


Video plays just fine in Premiere Pro from start to finish.

I updated my nVidia driver.

I tried to render from PP directly (vs. queuing in ME).

I've rebooted several times.

I've deleted and requeued several times.


I'm not expecting a solution so much as how can I troubleshoot what the issue might be?

Error or problem , Freeze or hang , How to






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