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Large black squares when printing pdf files from Adobe Scan

New Here ,
Dec 13, 2017 Dec 13, 2017

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We own a small trucking company. We have drivers in several states so they can't drop paperwork off at a centralized office. As a result, they are required to scan all of their driver logs and customer paperwork each day from Adobe Scan (unless they have a printer/scanner from home which most don't.)

Once we receive the pdf. files via our work email address, we must print all of the customer delivery paperwork to send in for billing. This has never been a problem  until now. We have a new driver that is struggling with Adobe Scan. All of his pdf files seem to be grey and not clear no matter what he has tried. I think he may resign because he's SO stressed since this is a requirement of his position.

Additionally, when we receive his documents, they look fine when I open the email attachment, but every single time I print them, they print out with large black squares ALL OVER THEM! Required info (date, delivery times, locations, signatures, etc.) are blacked out so they are rejected for billing.

This is SO frustrating! Please help!

Android , Share scanned document






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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 15, 2017 Dec 15, 2017

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Hello trucking1989,

I'm not sure what's happening with his scan especially when other driver's PDF has no problem, but some stuff I could think of are:

- Is he taking the picture in good or lighting? Can he try it somewhere with good lighting?

- Adobe Scan app tries to clean up the document as best as it can, but it may not be working perfectly with his document. Can he try choosing "Original" or other options in Review screen?

- Is he using the latest Adobe Scan app? (version can be found at File screen's menu icon (three line) > About Adobe Scan)

- Is he sending the PDF directly from Adobe Scan's file list, or does it go through other app (ie. Dropbox, etc)

- Which application do you open his PDF with to print? Please let us know the OS and application version.

- Which Android version is he using?

The large black square sounds like the data has been redacted... Does that look like the screenshot here: Removing sensitive content from PDFs in Adobe Acrobat DC ?





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New Here ,
Aug 31, 2020 Aug 31, 2020

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Hello,   Im looking for help with this issue too.  No one seems to know what the problem is.  Some say its a security issue so check your printer settings.  That doesnt work either.  I have tried everything to correct this and saved the doc in soooo many ways to see if it will over come the Blacked out areas.  Still no good.  HELP?





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