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Adobe Xd Auto-animate bug (?)

New Here ,
Oct 07, 2021 Oct 07, 2021

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I don't know if it's just my problem or there really is something wrong with it (or it's been changed over the course of the updates), however I have encountered a problem:

In this series of images I explain the steps I usually take for the auto-animate to work properly:

1) as you can see the names of the various elements within the slides are absolutely identical being duplicated;
2)Through the component "let's get started" I activate the auto-animate through the trigger tap;
3)When I finally go to work on the target board, and move the elements outside of it, they are moved to the pasteboard instead of being connected to the "passage 2" board.

Is it me that I'm doing something wrong, or has something changed? Because I have ALWAYS used this system and have never had any problems.
Thank you and I hope you will pass me help....

How to , Known Issue , Product performance , Prototyping






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Community Expert ,
Nov 04, 2021 Nov 04, 2021

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Hi, if I understand correctly, the issue is dragging an element to outside of the artboard to auto animate and it's not staying as a part of the artboard, becoming some element on the paste board instead. There's a work around to resolve this, which is grouping that element with some invisible element in the artboard to keep it in the artboard, I used that trick in a video I did previously: https://youtu.be/vcJfLG2_VTk?t=135 Hope this helps!





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