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Aloha XD Community!
My colleagues and I seem to have hit a snag working with our XD Files. Here's the scenario:
We have a published Library file where all the necessary components are defined. We also have a design file that is linked to this library, where we're using the components from the library. When one of our colleagues hosted these two linked files on the cloud yesterday and invited us to edit, we noticed that the component links between the two files were all broken. Ruth (@ruth_berlin_2021) spent a good three hours reestablishing the links between them. Although Ruth had updated the library and was able to see the Green link status on the top-left corner of the components, on my end I still saw the broken links highlighted in Red. I didn't find any highlighted in Blue, which normally suggests that there's been an update. Here are a few observations that are quite concerning and critical for us at the moment, and I'd love to hear from you all:
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Hello Nitish,
Thankyou for reporting the issue. There are few rules when you work on Library co-editing.
1. When Owner invites Collaborators to library should give Can Edit access , which is Can view by default. Need to switch while inviting.
2. Owner should share "Library file" as well with Collaborators, so that they see proper linked component instead of broken linked ones.
3. If any of collaborator will re-publish the library through shared source file, all other will have broken links. So, try to avoid that, as it can cause mess.
4. However, there is option to relink the old published library in Library manager to get back linked components.
Please try in this manner once and let us know if it doesn't workout for you.
Thank you,
Anita Subedi